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Instructions for downloading MCYT-SignatureOff-75 database

  1. Download license agreement, send by email one signed and scanned copy to

  2. You can also download the papers describing the full MCYT database and the off-line signature subcorpus

  3. Send an email to, as follows:
    Subject: [DATABASE download: MCYT-75-SignatureOff]

    : Your name, e-mail, telephone number, organization, postal mail, purpose for which you will use the database, time and date at which you sent the fax with the signed license agreement

  4. Once the email copy of the license agreement has been received at ATVS, you will get an email with a username, a password, and a time slot to download the database

  5. Download the database, for which you will need to provide the authentication information given in step 5. After you finish the download, please notify by email that you have successfully completed the transaction

  6. For more information, please contact: atvs uam . es