The 18th IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance
Hybrid     29 November - 2 December, 2022 Photo

AVSS-2022 is the 18th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the field of video and signal-based surveillance. The goal is to provide a game-changing and cross-disciplinary forum that brings together experts from academia, industry, and government to advance the frontiers of theories, methods, systems, and applications. AVSS-2022 is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society (PAMI TC) and the IEEE Signal Processing Society.

AVSS-2022will be held under a virtual format but, if allowed by the pandemic situation, the opportunity of casual in-person interactions and discussions for a limited number of persons (50 first registrations) joining physically at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid will be given.

Conference proceedings: published in IEEE Xplore digital library.

Location: Both virtually and at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Topics of interest, included, but are not limited to:

  • SENSOR-CENTRIC PROCESSING: Sensors (visible/infrared/3D/mm and wave/audio/radio, etc.) | Ground, airborne, satellite based (fixed/mobile /UAV) | Crowdsourcing (cellular/social networks) | Calibration and positioning (GPS, etc.) | Communications and networked sensing | Distributed Camera Networks and Smart Cameras | Participatory Sensing
  • PROCESSING, DETECTION, TRACKING & RECOGNITION: Modelling and feature selection | Detection and estimation (change/motion/anomaly/saliency/pattern) | Data association and (multi) target tracking | Classification and recognition | Multi-modal fusion
  • VISUALIZATION AND INTERACTION CONCEPTS FOR SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS: Compression and summarization | Archival, search and retrieval | Human-computer interfaces | Visualization algorithms | Mobile and distributed interaction
  • ANALYTICS, SITUATION AWARENESS & DECISION MAKING: Activity/interaction analysis and monitoring | Intention estimation and situation awareness | Crowdsourcing-based methods | Cognitive dynamic systems and bio-inspired methods
  • SECURITY & PRIVACY: Data authenticity | Privacy in surveillance | Attacks on Surveillance Vulnerabilities | Forensics | Biometrics (standoff, multi-modal, voice, etc.) | Cybersecurity for surveillance (wireless, network, computer) | Advanced Biometrics at a Distance
  • SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS: Hardware and software architectures | Research prototypes | Simulators | Civilian, industrial, and military | Transportation (road, rail, air, maritime) | Performance evaluation

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior
Biometrics and Data Pattern Analytics - BiDA-Lab